Staff: P. Petrik, M. Fried, T. Lohner, M. Serényi, E. Agocs, B. Kalas, A. Romanenko,
Publications, Projects, Equipment, History, Contact, Cooperations, Staff
Biomaterials and Bioellipsometry
Ni detection in water using flagellar nanotubes
Membrane-based flow cell for mid-infrared ellipsometry
Hemicylindrical plasmon-enhanced Kretschmann ellipsometry
Plasmon-enhanced two-channel, multi-angle in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry
Combination of ellipsometry with waveguide interferometry
Multiple angle of incidence, spectroscopic, plasmon-enhanced, internal reflection ellipsometry for the characterization of solid-liquid interface processes
SE vs XRF on fibrinogen monolayers
In-depth characterization and computational 3D reconstruction of flagellar
filament protein layer structure based on in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry
In situ ellipsometric study of surface immobilization of flagellar filaments
In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry study of protein immobilization on different substrates using liquid cells
Polymer layers for biosensor applications
Composition-dependent optical properties of SiGe
Expanded beam spectro-ellipsometry for big area on-line monitoring
Fast optical monitoring of thin films on large surfaces

Interface of e-beam-irradiated Al2O3

Optical characterization of patterned films
Substrate damage by radiofrequency sputtering
Ellipsometry of oxidized porous Si in the ultraviolet-visible-mid infrared spectral range
Spectroscopic ellipsometry of columnar porous Si thin films and Si nanowires
Sol-gel nanostructured indium-tin-oxide
Ge nanoclusters embedded in ZrO2
Glazed ceramics by optical and ion beam analysis
Photonic structures
Resolving lateral and vertical structures by ellipsometry using wavelength range scan
Fourier ellipsometry – an ellipsometric approach to Fourier scatterometry
Coherent Fourier scatterometry
Optical Models for the Characterization of Silica Nanosphere Monolayers Prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett Method
Using Ellipsometry in the Quasistatic Regime
Reconstruction of sub-wavelength features and nano-positioning of gratings using coherent Fourier scatterometry
Fourier vs goniometric scatterometry
Expanded-beam optical mapping for large-are photovoltaics
In line optical mapping for roll-to-roll thin-film photovoltaics
Optical modeling
Combined ellipsometry -- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy approach
Effective medium modeling of finite element-generated surface roughness
Approaches to calculate the dielectric function of ZnO around the band gap
Parameterization of the dielectric function of semiconductor nanocrystals
ZnO by optical and X-ray methods
Model dielectric function analysis of silicon nanocrystal films
Optical metrology for optoelectronics
Optical properties
Composition-dependent optical properties of SiGe
Polymers with tunable refractive index
Hydrophilized poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) layers with various thicknesses
Optical properties of strain modified NaNbO3 thin films
Optical properties of Zr and ZrO2
Optical indium tin oxide characterization
Hidrogenation by plasma immersion ion implantation
Optical properties of the Bi4Ti3O12–Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 system
Waveguide characterizations
High-density Er doping with femtosecond laser plasma
Doping silica beyond limits with laser plasma for active photonic materials
MeV energy N-implanted planar optical waveguides
Formation of slab waveguides by N implantation in BGO and CaF2
Books and lectures
Structural investigation techniques in materials science: Ellipsometry
Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Ellipsometry of semiconductor nanocrystals
Felületek és vékonyrétegek vizsgálata polarizált fénnyel (Characterization of surfaces and thin films using polarized light) - University lecture in Hungarian
Symposium on Materials Science (2021)
Symposium on Materials Science (2022)
Symposium on Materials Science (2023)
- EU (EMPIR) POLight (2021-2024, European project): Pushing bOundaries of nano-dimensional metrology by Light. MFA leader: Peter Petrik
- M-ERA.NET VOC-DETECT OTKA NN 131269 (2019-2022, International project): Smart Autonomous System for VOCs detection. Project leader: Miklos Fried
- OTKA K131515 (2019-2022, Hungarian project): Low-dimensional nanomaterials for the optical sensing of organic molecules on liquid and gas interfaces. Project leader: Peter Petrik
- M-ERA.NET (2016-2019, International project): Sustainable autonomous system for nitrites/nitrates and heavy metals monitoring of natural water sources. MFA leader: Miklos Fried
- NVKP_16-1-2016-0014 (2017-2019, Hungarian project): Az atomerőművekben használt cirkónium ötvözetek anyagszerkezeti változásainak hatása a fűtőelemek épségére és a környezeti terhelésre. MFA leader: Peter Petrik
- OTKA K115852 (2015-2018, Hungarian project): Development and optical monitoring of nanostructures for sensing. Project leader: Peter Petrik
- SEA4KET (2013-2016, FP7 project): Assessment experiments in nanoelectronics and smart systems. Project leader: Miklos Fried
- E450EDL (2013-2016, FP7 project): European 450mm equipment demo line. Project leader: Miklos Fried
- KMR_12_1 (2013-2014, Hungarian project): Optical mapping tool for thin films on industrial scales. Project leader: Miklos Fried
- OTKA K101223 (2012-2014, Hungarian project): Preparation of integrated optical devices for telecommunication applications using ion implantation. Project leader: István Bányász
- EU STREP, P3SENS (2010-2012, FP7 project): Polymer photonic multiparametric biochemical sensor for point of care diagnostics. Project leader: Róbert Horváth
- OTKA K81842 (2010-2012, Hungarian project): Protein and nanocrystalline semiconductor layers for sensors and photovoltaics. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- DAAD-MÖB (2010-2011, German-Hungarian project financed by the German and Hungarian government): Characterization of gate stacks by ellipsometry. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- PVMET08 (2008-2011, Hungarian NKTH project): Development of metrology tools based on electrical and optical techniques for in-line and laboratory qualification of thin film solar cells. Project leader: Miklós Fried
- DAAD-MÖB (2008-2009, German-Hungarian Project financed by the German and Hungarian government): Development of optical models for ex situ and in line mapping ellipsometry of chemically deposited nanostructures. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- ICMET07 (2007-2010, Hungarian NKTH Project): Development of integrated process monitoring metrology for the 32nm technology node of integrated circuit processes. Project leader: Gábor Battistig
- EU I3, ANNA (2007-2010, European FP7 Project): European Integrated Activity of Excellence and Networking for Nano and Micro-Electronics Analysis. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- OTKA K68688 (2007-2011, Hungarian project): Preparation of waveguides and optical diffractive devices using ion implantation. Project leader: Tivadar Lohner
- OTKA K61725 (2006-2009, Hungarian project): Ellipsometric modeling of nanograin structures and thin films for biological and (opto)electronical applications. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- DAAD-MÖB (2006-2007, German-Hungarian Project financed by the German and Hungarian government): Entwicklung eines innovativen 2D-Ellipsometers für fortschrittliche Halbleiterfertigungsgeräte. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- GVOP (2005-2007, AKF Project): Multi-spectral imaging reflectometer. Project leader: Miklós Fried
- OTKA T047011 (2004-2006, Hungarian project): Developlment of optical models for the ellipsometric characterization of multi-component material-systems. Project leader: Miklós Fried
- OTKA T043704 (2003-2005, Hungarian project): Ion beam methods in the physical nanotechnology. Project leader: József Gyulai
- DAAD-MÖB (2003-2004, German-Hungarian project financed by the German and Hungarian government): Non-destructive characterization of ferroelectric and high-k thin films. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- ICSE-3 (2001-2003, Austrian-Czech-Hungarian project): Organization of the 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Vienna, July 6-11, 2003. Project leader: Miklós Fried
- EU IST-2000-29352, FECLAMplus (2001-2003, European project): Ferroelectric CVD layers for Memory Applications. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- FECLAM subcontract (2001-2003, European project): Ferroelectric CVD layers for Memory Applications. Project leader: Nguyen Quoc Khánh
- IKTA-3-178-2000 (2000-2003, Hungarian project): Divergent illumination optical testing device. Project leader: Miklós Fried
- OTKA T033072 (2000-2003, Hungarian project): Ion implantation-induced defects and their interactions during annealing. Projektvezető: Fried Miklós
- OTKA D34594 (2000-2003, Hungarian project): Characterisation of polysilicon thin film using in situ and ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- OTKA T030441 (1999-2003, Hungarian project): Transient and anomalous processes in the ion beam modification of materials. Project leader: Tivadar Lohner
- DAAD-MÖB (1999-2000, German-Hungarian project financed by the German and Hungarian government): Bestimmung von grundlegenden Material-, Schicht- und Strukturparametern von hoch-dielektrischen und ferroelektrischen Schichten in der Halbleitertechnologie. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- Volkswagen Project (1997-1999, German-Hungarian Project supported by the Volkswagen-foundation): Development of optical models for polysilicon layers at high temperature for in situ spectro-ellipsometric measurements during chemical vapor deposition. Project leader: Péter Petrik
- WTZ-Tét (1997-1999, German-Hungarian Project financed by the German and Hungarian Government): Untersuchungen zur Entstehung und zum Ausheilen von Defekten in Silicium nach der Ionenimplantation. Project leader: József Gyulai
- RESPECT-COPERNICUS (1996-1998, Hungary, Netherlands, Czech Republic): Evaluation of spectroscopic measurement data. Project leader: Miklós Fried
- OTKA T023534 (1996-1999, Hungarian Project): Impact of the microscopic parameters of porous silicon on the optical properties. Project leader: Miklós Fried
Rotating compensator spectroscopic
ellipsometer from the
Woollam company
in the wavelenth range of 190-1700 nm with an
automatic goniometer and and automatic sample
stage. Focusing works down to 0.15 mm. The
measurement time is a couple of seconds per
Mid-infra red ellipsometer from the
Woollam company
in the wavelenth range of 1700 nm to 30000 nm with an
automatic goniometer.
We are continuously developing equipment for
large area mapping applications. For more
results see section Mapping
Double-monocromator rotating polarizer
spectroscopic ellipsometer in the wavelength
range of 250-850 nm. The spot size is about 1
mm. Especially well suited for high spectral
resolution measurements, for which the speed
is not an important requirement. New
generations of this ellipsometer is currently
developed by
The activities of the Ellipsometry Laboratory of the Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science in the Centre for Energy Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA EK MFA) span more than 30 years, dating back to the early ‘80s when Tivadar Lohner started optical characterizations of the crystal damage in ion-implanted single-crystalline silicon. The research of the Laboratory has a unique focus on the investigations of disorder in bulk and thin film materials created by methods including ion implantation and deposition. Optical models have been developed to improve ellipsometric methodology of multi-component material systems in a vertically changing structure. In the past decade the group has been active in the fields of surface characterizations and bioellipsometry as well. The bioellipsometry activities include the development of liquid cells and optical models for the in situ ellipsometric measurement of protein immobilization. Overall, the Ellipsometry Laboratory has published nearly 300 papers and 3 book chapters, participated in numerous international and national projects, and was the co-organizer of the 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. Besides several self-made and commercial ellipsometers, the main tool of the Laboratory is a Woollam M2000DI automatic rotating compensator ellipsometer operating in the wavelength range of 190-1700 nm.
- ATI – Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
- CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, Italy
- Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
- FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
- FhG IISB - Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Systeme – Bauelementetechnologie, Germany
- IKZ – Leibnitz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Germany
- ISAS – Leibnitz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften, Germany
- NCSR IMEL – Institute of Microelectronics, Greece
- MEMC, Novara, Italy
- MULTITEL, Belgium
- NUMONYX, Italy
- PTB - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
- University of Debrecen, Hungary
- University of Delft, Netherlands
- University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
- University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- University of Osaka, Japan
- University of Patras, Greece
- University of Szeged, Hungary
- University of Toledo, USA
- University of Tours, France
- University of Twente, Netherlands
- University of Salford, United Kingdom
- Vinca Institute for Nuclear Sciences, Serbia
Péter Petrik, DSc
Thin films and materials science
In-situ ellipsometry
Miklós Fried, DSc
Development of mapping ellipsometry, ion implantation,
backscattering spectrometry, surface modifications, porous silicon,
surface modifications, porous silicon, materials science for photovoltaics
Tivadar Lohner, DSc
Ion implantation, nanostructures, quality management,
backscattering spectrometry, poly/nanocrystalline semiconductors,
dielectric thin films, porous silicon
György Juhász, Dr. Univ.
Hardware development
Development of divergent beam mapping ellipsometry
Emil Agócs, PhD
Nanostructures, bioellipsometry,
Ellipsometry of complex,
nanocrystalline semiconductors
Benjamin Kalas, PhD student
Special flow cell desing, interface processes
Alekszej Romanenko, PhD student
Deshabrato Mukherjee, PhD student
In-situ ellipsometry
Petra Bácsics, student
Electrochemical and optical characterization
Zoltán Kovács, student
Máté Szűcs, student
Electrochemical and optical characterization
Bálint Fodor, PhD student
Model development for the characterization
of ordered surface structures
Alex Szendrei, student
Enikő Molnár, student
Bálint Éles, student
Ellipsometry, scatterometry
Judit Nádor, PhD
Label-free optical metrology,
Biosensors, bioellipsometry
Csaba Major, PhD
Hardware development
Mapping ellipsometry
Péter Kozma, PhD
Development of optical waveguide sensors,
protein immobilization, in situ bioellipsometry,
development of liquid cells
Olivér Polgár, PhD
Software development
Evaluation and parameter search algorithms
Mapping ellipsometry
Olivia Kozák, student
Miklós Dióssy, student
Tuning of refractive index by nanoparticles
Milán Janosov, student
Instrumentation for combined
ellipsometry and interferometry
István Mohácsi, student
Ion implantation
Modelling of disorder in low energy ion implantation
Veronika Cotrau, student
Protein immobilization and in situ bioellipsometry
Zoltán Betyák, student
Ion implantation
Disorder by ion implantation in silicon carbide
Andrea Németh, student
Protein immobilization, in situ bioellipsometry
Tímea Hülber, student
Protein immobilization, in situ bioellipsometry